B.Tech- Eligibility Requirements:
Admissions under Convenor’s Quota (70% of intake in each branch):
A Candidate should have passed the Intermediate examination of the Board of Intermediate Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh with Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry group subjects
Any other Examinations equirant to Intermediate Recognized the university
They have to eqalify in the EAMCET Conducuted by the Govt of A.P.
Department provides necessary training to impart employability skills to its students.
The candidates should satisfy local/non-local status requirement as laid down in the AP Educational institutions (Regulation of Admissions) Order 1974 as amended from time to time.
Admissions under Management Quota (30% of intake in each branch):
The seats shall be filled either on the basis of rank obtained in EAMCET or of securing not less than 50% in aggregate or in group subjects (Maths, Physics and Chemistry) in the 10+2 qualifying examination.
M.Tech- Eligibility Requirements:
A bachelor’s degree in Engg/Technology of any recognized university in the concerned discipline.
AMIE/AMIETE or similar qualifications recognized by UPSC as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech.
Valid GATE Score obtained in the GATE Examination.
Valid PGECET Rank obtained in the Entrance Examination.